Configuration optionsΒΆ

These options can be set in ~/.jupyter/, or at the command line when you start it.

ConnectionFileMixin.connection_file : Unicode

Default: ''

JSON file in which to store connection info [default: kernel-<pid>.json]

This file will contain the IP, ports, and authentication key needed to connect clients to this kernel. By default, this file will be created in the security dir of the current profile, but can be specified by absolute path.

ConnectionFileMixin.control_port : Int

Default: 0

set the control (ROUTER) port [default: random]

ConnectionFileMixin.hb_port : Int

Default: 0

set the heartbeat port [default: random]

ConnectionFileMixin.iopub_port : Int

Default: 0

set the iopub (PUB) port [default: random]

ConnectionFileMixin.ip : Unicode

Default: ''

Set the kernel’s IP address [default localhost]. If the IP address is something other than localhost, then Consoles on other machines will be able to connect to the Kernel, so be careful!

ConnectionFileMixin.shell_port : Int

Default: 0

set the shell (ROUTER) port [default: random]

ConnectionFileMixin.stdin_port : Int

Default: 0

set the stdin (ROUTER) port [default: random]

ConnectionFileMixin.transport : ‘tcp’|’ipc’

Default: 'tcp'

No description

JupyterConsoleApp.confirm_exit : CBool

Default: True

Set to display confirmation dialog on exit. You can always use ‘exit’ or ‘quit’, to force a direct exit without any confirmation.

JupyterConsoleApp.existing : CUnicode

Default: ''

Connect to an already running kernel

JupyterConsoleApp.kernel_name : Unicode

Default: 'python'

The name of the default kernel to start.

JupyterConsoleApp.sshkey : Unicode

Default: ''

Path to the ssh key to use for logging in to the ssh server.

JupyterConsoleApp.sshserver : Unicode

Default: ''

The SSH server to use to connect to the kernel.

Application.log_datefmt : Unicode

Default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'

The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s

Application.log_format : Unicode

Default: '[%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s'

The Logging format template

Application.log_level : 0|10|20|30|40|50|’DEBUG’|’INFO’|’WARN’|’ERROR’|’CRITICAL’

Default: 30

Set the log level by value or name.

JupyterApp.answer_yes : Bool

Default: False

Answer yes to any prompts.

JupyterApp.config_file : Unicode

Default: ''

Full path of a config file.

JupyterApp.config_file_name : Unicode

Default: ''

Specify a config file to load.

JupyterApp.generate_config : Bool

Default: False

Generate default config file.

ZMQTerminalInteractiveShell.banner : Unicode

Default: 'Jupyter console {version}\\n\\n{kernel_banner}'

Text to display before the first prompt. Will be formatted with variables {version} and {kernel_banner}.

ZMQTerminalInteractiveShell.callable_image_handler : Any

Default: None

Callable object called via ‘callable’ image handler with one argument, data, which is msg[“content”][“data”] where msg is the message from iopub channel. For exmaple, you can find base64 encoded PNG data as data[‘image/png’]. If your function can’t handle the data supplied, it should return False to indicate this.

ZMQTerminalInteractiveShell.editing_mode : Unicode

Default: 'emacs'

Shortcut style to use at the prompt. ‘vi’ or ‘emacs’.

ZMQTerminalInteractiveShell.highlighting_style : Unicode

Default: ''

The name of a Pygments style to use for syntax highlighting

ZMQTerminalInteractiveShell.highlighting_style_overrides : Dict

Default: {}

Override highlighting format for specific tokens

ZMQTerminalInteractiveShell.history_load_length : Int

Default: 1000

How many history items to load into memory

ZMQTerminalInteractiveShell.image_handler : ‘PIL’|’stream’|’tempfile’|’callable’

Default: 'PIL'

Handler for image type output. This is useful, for example, when connecting to the kernel in which pylab inline backend is activated. There are four handlers defined. ‘PIL’: Use Python Imaging Library to popup image; ‘stream’: Use an external program to show the image. Image will be fed into the STDIN of the program. You will need to configure stream_image_handler; ‘tempfile’: Use an external program to show the image. Image will be saved in a temporally file and the program is called with the temporally file. You will need to configure tempfile_image_handler; ‘callable’: You can set any Python callable which is called with the image data. You will need to configure callable_image_handler.

ZMQTerminalInteractiveShell.include_other_output : Bool

Default: False

Whether to include output from clients other than this one sharing the same kernel.

Outputs are not displayed until enter is pressed.

ZMQTerminalInteractiveShell.kernel_is_complete_timeout : Float

Default: 1

Timeout (in seconds) for giving up on a kernel’s is_complete response.

If the kernel does not respond at any point within this time, the kernel will no longer be asked if code is complete, and the console will default to the built-in is_complete test.

ZMQTerminalInteractiveShell.kernel_timeout : Float

Default: 60

Timeout for giving up on a kernel (in seconds).

On first connect and restart, the console tests whether the kernel is running and responsive by sending kernel_info_requests. This sets the timeout in seconds for how long the kernel can take before being presumed dead.

ZMQTerminalInteractiveShell.mime_preference : List

Default: ['image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/svg+xml']

Preferred object representation MIME type in order. First matched MIME type will be used.

ZMQTerminalInteractiveShell.other_output_prefix : Unicode

Default: '[remote] '

Prefix to add to outputs coming from clients other than this one.

Only relevant if include_other_output is True.

ZMQTerminalInteractiveShell.stream_image_handler : List

Default: []

Command to invoke an image viewer program when you are using ‘stream’ image handler. This option is a list of string where the first element is the command itself and reminders are the options for the command. Raw image data is given as STDIN to the program.

ZMQTerminalInteractiveShell.tempfile_image_handler : List

Default: []

Command to invoke an image viewer program when you are using ‘tempfile’ image handler. This option is a list of string where the first element is the command itself and reminders are the options for the command. You can use {file} and {format} in the string to represent the location of the generated image file and image format.

ZMQTerminalInteractiveShell.use_kernel_is_complete : Bool

Default: True

Whether to use the kernel’s is_complete message handling. If False, then the frontend will use its own is_complete handler.

KernelManager.autorestart : Bool

Default: True

Should we autorestart the kernel if it dies.

KernelManager.kernel_cmd : List

Default: []

DEPRECATED: Use kernel_name instead.

The Popen Command to launch the kernel. Override this if you have a custom kernel. If kernel_cmd is specified in a configuration file, Jupyter does not pass any arguments to the kernel, because it cannot make any assumptions about the arguments that the kernel understands. In particular, this means that the kernel does not receive the option –debug if it given on the Jupyter command line.

KernelRestarter.debug : Bool

Default: False

Whether to include every poll event in debugging output.

Has to be set explicitly, because there will be a lot of output.

KernelRestarter.restart_limit : Int

Default: 5

The number of consecutive autorestarts before the kernel is presumed dead.

KernelRestarter.time_to_dead : Float

Default: 3.0

Kernel heartbeat interval in seconds.

Session.buffer_threshold : Int

Default: 1024

Threshold (in bytes) beyond which an object’s buffer should be extracted to avoid pickling.

Session.check_pid : Bool

Default: True

Whether to check PID to protect against calls after fork.

This check can be disabled if fork-safety is handled elsewhere.

Session.copy_threshold : Int

Default: 65536

Threshold (in bytes) beyond which a buffer should be sent without copying.

Session.debug : Bool

Default: False

Debug output in the Session

Session.digest_history_size : Int

Default: 65536

The maximum number of digests to remember.

The digest history will be culled when it exceeds this value.

Session.item_threshold : Int

Default: 64

The maximum number of items for a container to be introspected for custom serialization. Containers larger than this are pickled outright.

Session.key : CBytes

Default: b''

execution key, for signing messages.

Session.keyfile : Unicode

Default: ''

path to file containing execution key.

Session.metadata : Dict

Default: {}

Metadata dictionary, which serves as the default top-level metadata dict for each message.

Session.packer : DottedObjectName

Default: 'json'

The name of the packer for serializing messages. Should be one of ‘json’, ‘pickle’, or an import name for a custom callable serializer.

Session.session : CUnicode

Default: ''

The UUID identifying this session.

Session.signature_scheme : Unicode

Default: 'hmac-sha256'

The digest scheme used to construct the message signatures. Must have the form ‘hmac-HASH’.

Session.unpacker : DottedObjectName

Default: 'json'

The name of the unpacker for unserializing messages. Only used with custom functions for packer.

Session.username : Unicode

Default: 'username'

Username for the Session. Default is your system username.